Turan  Kaya (868)

Eşi : Gülay (Bkz: ..\Gülay Gürün)

Çocukları :
Lale Özgenel, Doçent, ODTÜ Mimarlık Bölümü, rektör danışmanı

Yasemin H. Congleton, Doçent, Biyoloji Bölümü başkanı, Bluegrass Community College, Lexington, Kentucky, USA

Ev : Binsesin Sitesi 90.Sok.No:9  Ümitköy 06800 - Ankara

Ev Tel: 0312 235 1483

Cep tel : 0532 624 62 73

E-Mail : turankaya06@yahoo.com


Turan is an old man, though he is 19, who has grey hair. As a hobby, he collects girls' hair and beetles. He used to play football and basketball once, but now he deals with other troubles (tatlı bela). He is fond of beautiful things and strange behaviour, such as walking on his hands, climbing trees, drinking coffee with lemonade, and reading only the 151st page of books.  

He hates fools (kimse üstüne alınmasın) and is an expert on making strange sounds.  I must also add that, he is a voluntarily honest financer.(Whatever that is).   

Turan says that he has not got a definite philosophy of life, but I think he likes to enjoy life, whenever he finds it possible. He also likes to tease people, always and under all circumstances.

He wants to be a civil engineer, if his 'trouble' allows him to.

Favourite Sentence: He speaks so quickly that I could not catch any.

1965'te ODTÜ İnşaat Fakültesinden Yüksek Lisans aldı.

1965-66 arası T.C. Karayollarında çalıştı.

1966-68 arası askerlik yaptıktan sonra özel sektöre girdi.  2003'de emekli oldu.





























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