Gültekin Gürgen  (704)      ,

(VEFAT  11.07.2003)

Eşi : Perran

Çocukları : Gülru

İş :ECA Sağlık Gr. Keşap S.17 Esentepe - İstanbul

İş tel : 0212 275 43 33

Ev : Çiftehavuzlar Papatyalı Sok.5/14 İstanbul

Ev tel : 0216 358 29 29

Sevilen ve "jön" arkadaşlarımızdan.  Genç yaşta kaybettiğimiz için çok üzgünüz.

Allah rahmet eylesin.


If it is your first sight of Gültekin, you notice the seriousness in his face. But if you know him, then, it means that you are aware of the fun behind it. He is interested in telling anecdotes with a solemn face, and making everybody laugh.

As a second hobby, he teases people, especially Sami and İlçin. He says that he likes Nejdet and German. (But as a matter of fact, nobody saw him studying German at school). He dislikes, his dear friend Umur, and shaving his beard, which in fact does not exist.

He finds happiness and joy in everything, even in his philosophy of life:

'Saadet aramakla bulunmaz ki, kimbilir şimdi kimle çene yarıştırıyordur?'.(Telif: Tunca).

He wants to be a civil engineer, if he finds time from teasing people.

Favourite sentence: 'Bugün evleniyorum'.












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