Ali Uyanık 

Skovbakkevej 36
8220 Braband

Eşi : Birgit (1943-2004)
Çocukları :
Elif (1971), damat Oliver
Asli (1972), damat Allan, iki torun (2011'de 7 & 9)

Ev  DK:  00 45 86 26 00 21
Cep DK: 00 45 40 41 26 36
Cep TR:  00
90 537 295 26 00
Cep Avusturya: 00 43 699 101 862 63


Ali is the Microbe of 7-B. He is fond of teasing his dear friend Onur, with whom he fights a dozen times everyday. 

He likes dancing, painting, camping, smoking pipe, skiing and climbing mountains. He also likes singing and tantalising his friends with his loud voice. 'The shorter you are, the louder is your voice' (Toprağa ne kadar yakınsan, sesin o kadar gür çıkar) he says.

Onur and Ali have received diplomas from 'Kayserilik Okulu', where they graduated before coming to this school.  Ali, dislikes Onur, taking notes during the lessons, bringing his books and notebooks to the class.

His special hobby is archery and duelling with Onur, with genuine bows and arrows. We hope that he survives and becomes a good architect, as he plans for his future.

Favourite sentence: 'Bütün derdim oydu'.












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